On 3 February, workers from all over the nation called out of their jobs to participate One day without immigrantsProtest against the anti -immigrant policies of Trump administration. Some restaurants and other businesses closed for the day, while others worked with a small team so that employees could participate. In dripping springs, about 45 minutes out of Austin, laborer in family -friendly burger chain Hat creek burger companyWhich was a different experience for its large playgrounds for children along with their hamburger menu.
A report in Austin Chronicle It is said that an anonymous manager fired eight employees at this place, who said that they would remember the work for protest. The tally includes the Assistant Manager Francisco Perez who showed him for work, but was allowed to go under the allegations, which he denied that he encouraged the employees to remember his innings to participate. Perez said that the manager requested a list of employees who had planned not to stay at work and the employees were told that they would not be paid for the day, which would not be punished for the day. After receiving the list, the manager read the employees on 3 February to tell that he would be a team appreciation day and offered free food to the employees who come to work and offer $ 25 Amazon gift cards, Perce said.
Another employee, Gudelia Kaldern, told Inthem His manager said that he would be written for missing work. Instead, all those who missed the day were fired.
This protest is conducted at a time when immigrant workers face increasing challenges for employment, including increasing use of American citizenship and immigration services’ To check for employment eligibility, Threatening snow raidAnd working under employers who suggest that they take their documentation on their individuals all the time, as a reaction to the aggressive stance on the Trump administration’s immigrant workers. Among the 8 million unspecified workers in the US, A million is estimated to work in restaurants,
A spokesman from Hat Creek said in a statement on an email: “As Austin-based, founding-elevated company, Hat Creek Burger company is proud to provide the local community a great burger and a family friendly environment. The way we celebrate the diversity of our guests, team members and communities, we respect our commitments to serve them. By that end, the end of the recent was the result of deviation from our long-standing presence policy, requiring advance information and related policies for time to time. We are proud to support our teams and their rights, who try to express themselves like any organization, and to create an atmosphere every day where everyone honored and welcomes. ,
When asked for clarification, a representative said that employees need to “request time before the posting of the schedule of that store, which is usually about 10 days ago.”
Parace tells Inthem When he did not agree that Hat Creek should close for the day to support the opposition, he feels that the management should have been clear that the missing work will end on that day.
Updated: February 14, 2024, 2:55: The story was updated to add a statement to Hat Creek Burger Company and clarify the policies of the company for the time of requests.