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Homeदुनिया दर्पणWhy American social security database Elon Musk feels that vampires are real...

Why American social security database Elon Musk feels that vampires are real – Times of India

Dose lead Elon Musk A storm came on social media when he shared a screenshot that seemed data from America Social security databaseThe screenshot had some unusual records that raised eyebrows, and Musk’s funny comments attracted many attention.
In his X post, Musk pointed to an amazing discrepancy in the social security database – an official record that has information about individuals in the age demographic of SSA.
The data shown as survived in the SSA records still represents the age cells of the listed individuals and does not excessively prone to 100–109 and above. It raises questions about potential data errors, DangerOr speculative speculation about immortality or vampireism.
Data explained millions of people listed as over 100 years old. This is the place where Kasturi comicly suggested that perhaps these people are not only elderly citizens, but Vampire,
“According to the Social Security Database, these are the number of people in the bucket of each age, of which the death is set in the field of death!” Musk wrote. “Perhaps Twilight is real and there are lots of vampires that collect social security,” he said, “he said, referring to the” Twilight “series of popular Vampire-themes.
The “Twilight” franchise mentioned vampires like Edward Kulene, although these individuals, although listed as more than 100 years old, can just be immortal creatures Social security benefitsMusk’s post also raised important questions about the integrity of data within the database.
The comments on Musk’s post quickly stated that it could be a “mass fraud red flag” and to be called for immediate audit of data. Concern is likely that these numbers may reflect errors in database or fraud activity that does not pay attention to anyone and needs to be addressed.
More than 20 meters listed as 100+ years old in SS database? Time for a serious audit. data integrity Issues, “an X user said, calling for a thorough investigation and audit of the database.
While the data in the question is real and is drawn from an official source, its accuracy in representing the actual population is now in doubt. The vision of so many people is considered to be more than 100, especially when compared to the family American populationIt is highly unusual and potential data integrity suggests issues.
Discrepancy in social security data may indicate a serious need for these techniques, especially if fraud is a factor.

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