Sydney: Two Australian nurse Officials said on Wednesday that a “sick” video had been removed from his job, stating that he would allow Israelis to die in his hospital.
Israeli’s influential footage released on Max Vipper Social media channel A man and A appeared to show him in an online chat with A Female nurse At Sydney Hospital.
“I’m so upset that you are an Israeli, finally you are going to be killed,” the male nurse tells him in one anti Semitic Tirade.
Asked by Weifer Israeli patients Fuck.
The female nurse says: “I will not treat them, I will kill them.”
Some dialogues were censored and verifying the entire circumstances of recording was not possible immediately.
It was the latest in a series of anti-Jewish events in recent months, in which Vandle tortured the Sydney Childcare Center, set fire to a Melbourne syllabus and scattered anti-Jewish frescoes in the Jewish areas.
“This video is disgusting. It is shocking,” told reporters, New South Wales Health Minister Ryan Park told reporters.
He said that the pair was “immediately standing down”.
“They will never work again for New South Wales Health under that investigation.”
The Park said the initial assessment of hospital records indicates that it was working safely and with care.
The state police force said that it has identified the nurses and “being thoroughly investigated”.
The male nurse allegedly told Sydney’s Daily Telegraph newspaper that the incident was a “joke, a misunderstanding” and promised to apologize.
The relatives of the female nurse were quoted by the Australian, saying that she was attacking a concern on the strike.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanis Told Parliament that he had seen the video.
He said, “It is inspired by hatred, and it is disgusting. The comments are less, the footage is ill and it is shameful,” he said.