Pathhesh Velinezi | Photo Credit: Sathesh Velinezi
People, please stop it! I pray to you with folded hands. I know that you are probably telling me the same thing, ‘Stop writing’, ie. Please understand that before I deal with your ‘Stop It’, you have to promise to deal with my ‘Stop It’. Okay, before you start sulking, let’s address your call to ‘stop it’, first. In my defense, it is not in my hands to ‘stop it’. You should lift it, in all honesty Hindumanagement. They placed me under a large scale contract, where I get a big amount and a fortnightly audio message on WhatsApp, “Shadow‘, In return, after several long years, I have to write back the favor even after the award -winning article. Therefore, I can’t stop it. You cannot stop it ‘. Only they can ‘stop it’. Please contact ‘they’ to take the matter forward, and of course, you have my full and unconditional support.
Now that we have rapidly dealt with your ‘stop it’, can we please, I can request you, deal with me, ‘Stop it’? I will start by requesting a little patience. I have to provide background and reference to my particular, ‘Stop it’. It begins with a certain famous podcaster and dispute around youtuber, (both, today, is an acceptable business with a degree in getting available online, I speak with experience), named Ranveer Allahbadia. However, since I came from a long line of lawyers, to avoid any possible complaint or defamation speed, we should use a surname. So, let’s agree to refer to the above by the name Sanveer Ballfadia. As you can see, there is no distance equality between the two names.
Sanveer now finds himself entangled in a controversy over a comment made in a show, which I felt about historical facts, but then landed in the never -ending abyss of the style of style in South Asia. After my hard work, I can honestly tell you that I do not know what Sanveer said because I could not watch the show. My server is below. This is enough to say, the entire Broha has been branded among the top 10 criminals in the world by the entire Broha, sandwiches between Harvey Venstein and Burney Madoff – a position, which can be proud of someone, in some cultures. The problem is that people from various media outlets are all asking me to react to Sanveer’s comments. I am submerged. I cannot breathe, throw away from these requests, buried and started suffocating. I hope you will realize now, where my ‘stop it’ is coming from. If you have no objection, I will use the power of this newspaper’s column to explain my attitude once and for all.
“Dear media, I am innocent in this whole matter. I have not seen this controversial episode, because the paint is drying up in my house, and I am fascinated by that process. In addition, I really do not know much about Sanveer Bolfadia, except for some data that I have found online, such as he is a male, right hand, and can smile for more than 15 minutes without any reason . Now, coming up is my legal defense. Here the matter, cultures and administrators are more interested in sensoring the number of audiences according to age. That is, the material should be for people of age only 21 plus. AU contractor, I think the age censorship should be implemented in another way. More than 50, (included themselves), some programs should be prevented from watching. I honestly feel that we can give up the entire controversy if the reverse age was in place, and, even more importantly, I could refer to Sanveer Balfadia in the name of his birth ”.
Let’s hope everyone will get a message and “stop it”.
The author has dedicated his life to communism. However only on weekends.
Published – 21 February, 2025 05:03 pm IST