> It can cause excessive sweating, known as hyperhydrosis, can cause discomfort, embarrassment and even social anxiety. & nbsp;
What is hyperhydrosis? What is necessary for temperature regulation. This can also happen when a person comes in contact with heat or physical exertion. This can cause:- Discomfort in daily activities & ndash; & nbsp; Sweating can soak clothes, making it difficult to keep drought.
- Issues of body odor & ndash; Excess sweat can interact with bacteria, causing unpleasant odor. Social embarrassment & ndash; Individuals with hyperhydrosis may look strange in public settings.
Types of hyperhydrosis
Hyperhydrosis is of two types –
1. Primary hyperhydrosis
It occurs without any identifiable medical cause. This & nbsp; It is usually localized, affecting specific areas such as:
- Palms & ndash; Strong> Underaums & ndash; Clothes can be wet, causing discomfort.
- Foot & ndash; Causes shoe odor and slippery sole. It can run in families. It usually begins during adolescence or childhood and continues in adulthood.
2. Secondary hyperhydrosis
It occurs in the form of an underlying medical condition or side effects of the drug. It is often normalized, which means that it affects the entire body instead of specific areas.
Common reasons include:
Thyroid disorder & ndash;
Some medicines & ndash; Drugs such as drugs such as paracetamol (used for fever) and some antidepressants may increase sweating. > Obesity & ndash; Excess body weight can increase sweating due to high metabolic activity. - Menopause & ndash; Women undergoing menopause often experience sweat and warm glows at night. li>
Major factor monitor & nbsp;
Monitoring some signs that may indicate the underlying health conditions:
- Suddenly, excessive sweating without any known reason. Sleep, which can be associated with infection or hormonal changes).
- Sweating hyperhydrosis on the whole body instead of specific areas).
If these symptoms occur frequently, a doctor should be consulted to determine the root cause. Even without a underlying disease, hyperhydrosis can significantly affect daily activities. Some people experience:
- Selfie palms & ndash; Writing, typing, or barely difficult to catch objects. /Strong> Fabrics can be visually wet, which can lead to self-consciousness. dirt.
The following lifestyle modifications can help control excessive sweating:
1. Maintain hydration
Excessive sweat leads to dehydration, which can worsen the problem. Drink lots of water and electrolyte fluids to recreate lost minerals.
2. Balance electrolytes
Sweat contains salts and minerals required for physical functions. Include foods rich in potassium, sodium and magnesium (eg banana, nuts, coconut water) in your diet.
3. Frequent showers
Baths help in removing sweat and bacteria, which prevented the body’s smell. Do at least two rain a day, especially in warm and humid weather.
4. Use talcum powder or antiperspirants
Talcum powder absorbs moisture and keeps the skin dry. Apply light, non-agitated powder in problems such as underarms, palms and legs. H3> 5. Wear breathable clothes, loose, cotton, or moisture-wonderful clothes that allow air circulation.
6. Reduce caffeine and spicy foods
Caffeine and spicy foods stimulate the sweat glands. Limit the intake of coffee, tea, warm chili and alcohol.
7. Manage stress and anxiety
Stress is known to trigger sweat. Practice yoga, meditation, or deep breathing practice to take into account the level of stress.
Medical treatment for hyperhydrosis, however, such treatments are not suitable for all and are prescribed only in specific cases.
For individuals with primary hyperhydrosis, lifestyle modification is usually the best way to manage the situation effectively. > Writer, Dr. Sarabjit Rays is an advisory doctor in hospitals, Salt Lake