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Kovai.CO provides and counts giants like BBC, Boeing and Shell among customers and condenses a business-to-business software solution
Today,’s annual revenue is $ 15 million and its total value is estimated to be $ 100 million. (News18 Hindi)
An AI startup company of Coimbatore has done what the most startup dreams of doing the most. The company named has given a bonus of Rs 14 crore to its 140 employees. is named after the city of Coimbatore. The startup provides business-to-business software solutions (mother-in-law) and was launched in 2011 by Saravankumar. Today, this company is providing its services to big corporations like BBC, Boeing and Shell.
Its founder, 48 -year -old Saravankumar, belongs to Coimbatore, but moved to London 25 years ago. Saravankumar said that he was an ordinary IT employee for 10 years, but when he saw a zero in the market, he decided to start his company in his hometown. is a fully bootstapped startup with no external investment. This offers three major products – turbo 360, document 360 and business 360. Turbo 360 helps reduce the cloud cost by 30%. The document helps 360 companies to create and update support pages, while Biztalk 360 connects a platform such as SAP, Salesforce.
140 employees received a reward of Rs 14 crore
Today,’s annual revenue is $ 15 million and its total value is estimated to be $ 100 million. When Saravankumar was asked why he gave such a big bonus to his employees, he replied: “Why do people work in startups? They expect to be rich, but in most startups, employees get shares, which are only on paper. I thought of giving my employees something concrete. Three years ago, I said that if they live with us, they will get a bonus equal to six months salary in January 2025. ,
Saravankumar fulfilled his promise and gave a total bonus of Rs 14 crore to 140 employees. His dream is to make a unicorn company. Their goal is to get a revenue of $ 100 million by 2030.
- Place :
Coimbatore, India, India