Women who are participating in Galantine’s Day Celebration events at Paint Me Happy Studio. Photo: Special arrangement
As you walk around the city, some floristing are stacking bouquets and roses in the colors of the cars, as always ready for Valentine’s Day. But this year, the promotional couples are not about, but women buy a bunch of blooming for their gall pulse, converting it into a full-child’s celebration. Confeth to Q, this is Galantine’s Day taking cake.
More than ever, women in Chennai are flooding their social people with Galantine’s plans, inviting others to expect this deliberately to set up plateonic love front and centers. But does it make more pop than a friendship day? Galantine is a glow-up version, forget the rules booklets. It is not an antidot or panacea for V-Day nor is it about giving a cold shoulder to foam. Started as an imaginary holiday on 13 February in an American SICM, now has turned into a real -life party worldwide!
An American incident of Galantine’s Day is celebrated on 13 February to celebrate friendship among women.
Galantine’s Day was born in 2010 during an episode of the American Sycom Parks and Recreation, when the main character Leslie Nop (starred by Amy Pahaller) hosted a brunch for his best gall pulse on 13 February.
So, what is Chennai, do you ask? Well, the city has been invested in Galantine this year in this year, which has been provoked both Thursday and Friday. From pottery to networking events, Bento cake workshops are abundant for a signature fragrance with your sail, the possibilities are abundant.
“You know, this is about bringing various circles of Galantine’s Day women together to celebrate love on their terms- something that I have never seen,” Paint Me Happy , Says a Ceramic Studio of T Nagar. Curates the events of a Galantine’s Day throughout the week. Says Sunita, “Even we have women coming from ourselves and here to join other women, and in this program plateonic friendship.”Wan Book with the sold spot. As a new concept in Chennai, there is no schedule or rigid agenda such as candlelight dinner or anything, it is just a day that is dedicated to your existence to romantic, and around female friends.
This only makes it from there, unlike previous years, more incidents have been planned in the city. In Egmore, an event management company smileplaners are hosting the ‘Xoxo Galantines Party’ with the main-world experiences. Ayesha, founder and creative director of smileplaners, says, “We have found galantine-theme activities, such as networking games such as helping you to join with fellow women, help in celebrating ourselves in no inclusive settings.” . ” He is hypnotized for women to stagnate, get out of piece, and to hits this galantine to remember.
Published – February 13, 2025 12:29 AM IST