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HomeAccording to Eater Editors, the best food storage containers which are not...

According to Eater Editors, the best food storage containers which are not tapperware

Ah, saga of tapperware. When Stored American MLM Company and Food Storage Brand Announced your intention to file for bankruptcy In the last September, it seemed strange – although not impossible – to imagine the skyline of our refrigerator without plastic tubs from the iconic brand. When Tupperware made 70-a few years ago, an easily washedable, heatable storage container was a revelation for food. Today, however, there are infinite (sure better) options to keep and heat the remaining. And while Tupperware was eventually Party products rescued by LLCWho acquired the brand in November, the entire Ordel left the Eater Staff, while talking about their Go-Two Food Storage Solutions to the Eater employees. Here are some of his favorite.

Ikea 365+ Food Storage Container

Eater La Reporter Rebecca is a fan of the A-L-Cart collection of Rolland Ikea. “While most other food storage systems come in the set, Ikea vessels are mostly sold by pieces, which provides an opportunity to buy 10, 20-inguated soup containers, if needed, or no,” that She says “Both snap-on lids and press-in wood variants are vacuum-seals and are very good in keeping food fresh. Small six-oures containers are my favorite for leftover sauce or mirpoex. As usual, the way to go to the glass is – it piles better, and the food will not be on the scents. ,

Big bee bee

Like most people, Leslie Sutter, director of special projects, struggled with creating and searching a group of mismatched lids. “That’s why I was so easily persuaded to buy these silicon chlamshell containers from the big bee small bee,” says Sutter. “They open completely flat, which is important for fittings in dishwashers, it is easier to load the food in and out of the zip-style silicone bag, and, the most important thing comes with the lid attachment . They are not enough as leaked proof as some other options, but they are definitely a new staple in my fridge.


“A few years ago I asked for only one thing for Christmas,” says Leslie Sutter, director of special projects. “The opportunity to throw out every piece of mismatched jar and daily cup and replaced it with a giant, costco-shaped pack of snapware. I like the fact that container is glass, which makes me feel less squares about leaking microplastics when heated, and as the name means, lids walk safely with a very satisfactory ‘Snap’ Are. ,

Rubbermeed brilliance container

“Years ago, my sister -in -law gave me some food Rubbermeed brilliance container Eater’s deputy editor, Monica Burton, says it is still a storage container. “The lid makes an ideal seal that is safe with further clips that click satisfactorily in place. The rectangular shape allows it to catch all types of objects, including slices of pizza or cake -also includes superiors substances, and strong plastic has never warned in dishwasher. For all these reasons I never returned it to my right owner, however, I agree, it makes sense to buy myself something else. the glass The version seems to be functional only if he is heavy. ,

Ziplock bag

Eater Dallas editor Katni Smith completely avoids the most rigid-sided containers and instead prefers regular old ziplok storage bags. “They are great for anything that is condemnable and when you need to make a place in the fridge,” she says.

Daily container

Eater Staff Reporter Amy Macarthi’s path leads Bear And the standard opposes for daily containers of restaurant-style. “I want something that I am not going to feel Very When I essentially forget in the fridge, I guilty about throwing. Yes, chef.

Stasher Bag

“I have been using the same set of Stasher Snack Bags since 2018,” says Cateline Brees, director of Eater’s audience development. “When I have tampered with other reusable containers in the last six years, I have not found anything in the form of almost durable or light. Silicon bags are not cheap, but whenever they are on sale, I snatch a set of sandwich -shaped bags. ,

Stasher Silicon Re-Appeared Food Storage Bag, 4-Pack

Prices at the time of publication.

I have been using the same set of Stasher Snack Bags since 2018. While I have flirted with other reusable containers in the last six years, I have not found anything in the form of almost durable or light. Silicon bags are not cheap, but I will snatch this set of four on sale. , Kettlelin Brey, Director of Vikas Development

Maple hunted nest bowls

One of the good things about Tupperware is a color array. The editor at the Chief Stephanie Wu has found something cute in a set of lidden nesting bowls. “These bowls, which come with matching lids, are freezable, microwave, dishwasher safe and leakproof,” she says. “In addition, they are stylish enough to double the serve of the bowl, and they easily nest when not in use.”

Mepal Microwavable Nested Storage Bowls.


Maple Microwwelled Nested Storage Bowls

Prices at the time of publication.

Maple’s microwaves nested storage bowl is quite talented. Use them to heat and serve dinner, then store the remaining in the fridge or freezer. After you are done, paste them into the dishwasher, then stack them for nest or compact storage.

Click container

Eater New York reporter Emma Orllo had stocked and generally impressed by stacked clicked contributions a few months ago. Jar-such as containers come in different types of rectangular shapes and colors, according to the brand are made with “ultra-ticke, BPA-free triton® plastic”, and universal lids that stack magnetically.

Oxo good grips storage container

“I swear on Oxo’s pop food storage containers, which are cut in pantry in my home and different sizes,” Executive Editor Erin Djes, “although most of them are in 1.1-quarts ‘small’ sizes. , Currently included. Everything from Kusakus to the treatment of different types of dogs is great for drought-rice, flour, sugar. Things-and they are also enough to pop open and close it several times a day.

Ball Glass Mason Jar

“I am confident that the ball has infinite uses for the iconic glass jars,” says Francei Kannap, the author of Eater’s Commerce, “I use me to store soup, prepare marinade, fresh herbs fresh I do, and I will also use them with me. Immersion blender To avoid splatter. ,

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