Purely elizabethFor the past 15 years, the manufacturer of nutritious granola and breakfast foods announced the expansion of one of its popular cookie Grenola line with a new taste: Peanut Butter Cookie Grenola.
The innovative product line purely combines Elizabeth’s ancient grain Granola with classic cookie recipes, which is the taste and crispy texture of a cookie to create snackable clusters.
Peanut Butter Cookie Grenola Launch comes at a time when Granola category sales have reached about $ 1.3 billion, with purely Elizabeth, according to the company, 85% year-to-year sales with charging charge have led.
Peanut butter cookie granola provides a convenient food experience packed with 100% whole grains, coconut oil and peanut butter chips. Not only is it gluten-free and vegetarian certified, but it is also a good source of fiber, in addition to the morning to curd or bag directly from the bag. Full cookie lineup is available across the country in online and retailers.