Smallcap stock shares BCL Industry Rallies of more than 7% in trade on Wednesday, February 19, after which an order was received 134.87 crore for the supply of ethanol Oil marketing companies (omcs),
The shares of BCL Industries traded the green season in green, but saw a spike in the last few minutes of the business after the order book update.
Order Details
The company today informed the exchanges in a filing that along with BCL Industries Limited Limited, its subsidiary SVAKSHA Dystillary has been allocated with an additional amount of 23,054 KL. Ethanol FCI should be supplied against FCI rice as raw materials for OMCs. Stands at the total order price 134.87 crore, showed filing.
Of the total orders, BCL Industries will supply 14,302 KL (Price) 83.67 crore) and SVAKSHA will supply 8,752 kl (price) 51.20 crores).
The company said that it had participated in a tender floating by OMCS in January 2025 to supply ethanol at its various places across the country.
The Government of India (GOI) and OMCs are aggressively promoting the conclusion of ethanol in motor spirit (petrol) to reduce the carbon footprint and to preserve foreign currency by reducing crude oil imports.
The above order is in addition to the current order of 18,2485 kl received by the group in the month of October 2024.
Share Spike on Order Update
Shares of BCL Industries increased by 7.64% to settle at high level of day 37.35 per share. Despite today’s growth, the stock is 55% below its 52-week high level. 84.20, hit in February last year. Meanwhile, the stock has a lower part of the 52-week 34.50, which was extended yesterday.
Stock has declined by 55.8% in the last one year, while in the last six months it has been lost 39%. Even based on one month, the performance has been disappointing, the stock has lost 26% of its value.
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